Senin, 23 Juli 2012

funny little map

if you want to read my posts with complete Bold-Italic-Regular format, please click this link.  if you open the usual tumblr page with layout etc., it won’t show the Bold format. in case you’re disturbed with incomplete typings. :D

if you want to find specific post, please click the archive button above! Or go here

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just fyi, 

horray! i bought a new CD! hahaha. i always collect Keane CDs from the first worldwide album Hopes and Fears. without Keane, i might have stopped liking piano. 

so i want to sing along with Tom Chaplin and friends now! bye, see you in the next post! :)

(22) Recycle is The Answer

This is what I did to reduce waste.  Transformed Koko Krunch box into an art space.  :D You can do it too at home! 

By the way, my drawer is now full of boxes.  Empty boxes I don’t wanna dump.  I’ll reuse them for anything fun! It’s not weird if people know me as ‘rubbish-collector’.  YEAH I’M PROUD CAUSE I COLLECT RUBBISH, not sins. Hahaha. 

Tinky Winky Powdery

Hey Ladies and Gentlemen, do you prefer liquid or powder foundation? Usually, people choose it by skin type.  Those with dry skin like liquid ones better, while the oily fellas generally take powdery stuffs.

Honestly, I don’t understand how to choose the right foundation.  All I know is just wearing face powder and my face is ready for blush, etc.

My first foundation in my life (in term of ‘I bought it myself for me’) is The Body Shop's.  Surely chose Nature’s Minerals range, which brings ONLY natural minerals, no preservatives or fragrance.  I like it a lot, but this number 04 makes me too glowy or bronzy after few hours. Meanwhile, I need a lighter foundation for everyday use! :D

I fell in love with this 100% Pure foundation because it contains whole natural and animal-friendly a.k.a vegan ingredients.  That’s the first reason.

It also not tested on animals, and the oil absorber is rice powder, not talc.  It sounds promising, soothing, and happy! ;D

When I was in Singapore, I bought it in Bud Cosmetics.  As you can read here.

So how it looks like, how good is the foundation? Let’s see the foundation itself first!

No more explanation? Transparent plastic, round, to be flipped, just simple. :D It’s the Golden Peach shade, by the way.  Number 04.  Why I always choose number 04? LOL.

And I stole this from the website.  What can this foundie do?

(sheer to medium coverage)

100% Natural, 100% Vegan, Gluten free

Super lightweight face powder to give you a beautiful, flawless, poreless complexion. Use alone or over our tinted moisturizer. All natural formula packed full of anti-aging vitamins, antioxidants and skin purifying eucalyptus, soothing calendula, chamomile and rose, oil absorbing rice powder and flattering color from fruits and vegetables. Does not contain talc, chemical preservatives, fragrances or any other toxins

Ingredients: Oryza Sativa Germ Powder (Rice Powder), Pigmented Extracts of: Prunus Persica (Peach) Fruit, Prunusm Armeniaca (Apricot) Fruit, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa Bean), Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit, Punica Granatum (Pomegranate), Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry) Fruit, Fragaria Vesca (Strawberry) Fruit, Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit, Prunus Serotina (Wild Cherry) Fruit and Vitis Vinifera (Cabernet Grape) Fruit, Extracts of: Matricaria Chamomilla (Chamomile) Leaf, Calendula Officinalis (Calendula) Flower, Organic Camelia Sinensis (White Tea) Leaf1 and Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Fruit, Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucalyptus) Leaf Powder, Oils of: Linum Usitatissimum (Flax) Seed, Rosa Damascena (Rose) Flower, Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Seed and Persea Gratissima (Avocado), Mica, Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Citral*, Eugenol*, Geraniol*, Citronellol*, Farnesol* and Linalool*

Sun Screen Active Ingredients:: 12% Titanium Dioxide, 7% Zinc Oxide

1 certified organic by USDA   * Component of natural essential oil

Fuuh, long-long way! Are those words proven?

Okay, to make it short, I can see significant change on my face everytime I apply this powder.  When I look oily, it makes me less oily.  It mattifyies skin nicely! Thanks, Rice Powder My Friend. It lasts long too! Afer about 5-6 hours later ( I counted once but forget the exact time), I’m still matte.

Coverage of this powder is cool.  *haha, what a language*  If I have a red pimple, it is smoothly more invisible. But maybe not as strong as a concealer.

Pore? I guess it’s in Okay level about covering pores.   I don’t exactly notice big difference but my nose looks better, the blackheads are sheerly layered by the powder, yeah, quite good.  :)

This is my conclusion:

I LOVE THIS FOUNDATION! Sadly Indonesian seller of 100% Pure doesn’t provide this product.  -_- Should I go to Bud Cosmetics again?! Well, maybe the best alternative is to buy it online. Because I will repurchase! :3

BTW, I prefer applying the powder with brush rather than with puff.

Thank you for coming, reading, and commenting! :*

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

As I told you here, my bestfriend’s sister’s wedding was in June.  I acted as ‘pager ayu’, or, what is it in English? Usher? Yeah, whatever, but my job was greeting all invitations and to ask them write in the guest book. I did it along with school friends, so it’s nice to be with them again for a while after 2-years-ago-graduation, though those friends are not the closest mates of mine.  :)

I know it’s too late to apologize tell you some beautyhahahihi story about that event! :D

You see in the picture, it’s me! It’s a little difficult to draw a portrait of myself, so if you find it too dramatic for describing Ningrum, please tell me.  LOL.

Anyway, make-up I wore that day:

The Body Shop Oil Free Balancing Foundation SPF 15 mixed with MAC Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation.  Those are my friends’. I don’t know which shade! But it’s mixed.  Me and BFF have quite the same skin tone, so she applied her way of applying that stuffs to apply it on my skin. But the result is okay! It looks natural on me.  :D

MAC Leopard 10-Colour Eye Pallete, 01 or 04 I forget. I chose the gold and yellow ones. Property of my BFF.

A black pencil eyeliner.  I can’t remember the brand.  Maybe MAC. But it’s just maybe.  It’s not so easy to apply eyeliner, huh, since I’m not a pro.  :))

The Body Shop Nature’s Minerals Eye Colour in Golden Emerald. I really-really love this eye colour.  X)  Also applied on illustration to make it realistic.  :D

The Body Shop Define and Lengthen Mascara.  The only mascara of my own dot

The Body Shop Nature’s Minerals Cheek Colour in Brown Topaz.  This one brings a very fit browny pink something tone with shimmer particles added (the name’s Mica).  It matches occasion like weddings, but not for daily use except I want to look like I want to go to a party whenever I teach.  That’ll be funny! Used in illustration too, by the way.

100% Pure Lip Glaze in Rose Petal.  I received the sample from Lynn.  Thank you thank you! :*  This has very smooth texture, nice to be applied, moreover it has fruity scent.  BIG HEART for you, lovely lip colour! You can check the colour on my lips…on illustration. :D

That’s all, folks, about my fence profession.  

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Penulis Blog yang Cakap dalam Berbagai Hal

Iya, sejujurnya judul di atas adalah…terjemahan mentah menggunakan peranti berupa Kamus Inggris Indonesia terbitan PT Gramedia dari tulisan dalam kotak hijau di atas.  :D

Oh, kenapa pakai Bahasa Indonesia? Karena saya mendapat hadiah ini dari Naomi-san, penulis blog kecantikan (eyah, semua diterjemahin mentah-mentah) yang selalu menulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia non-formal sehingga semua ulasan produknya asyik dibaca karena berasa ringan.  Walau ringan, tetap rinci! Banyak emotikon lucu-lucu, lagi.  :) 

Hehe, makasih ya, Naomi-san. Jasamu akan kubalas… *dramatis*

Oke! Biasanya, kotak beginian datang bersama PR.  Inilah PR saya, dalam Bahasa Inggris dari sononya:

Here are the Rules:

1. Create a new post (ini lagi proses)

2.Thank the lovely person who nominated you for the award. (udah, brur)

3. Pass it on to your fellow blogger. (nanti)

4. State 7 random facts about you. (segera!)

5. Claim and post the award pic. (barusan)

Oke, siap laksanakan!

7 Fakta Sembarangan Tentang Saya:

SATU. Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa, oh, salah ini bukan tes hafalan Pancasila ya? Hm, oke. Fakta pertama: Saya doyan makan coklat.  Apalagi kalau coklat gelap, nggak terlalu banyak susu, nggak terlalu manis, dan ada kacang medenya.  Itu sudah.  Kalian kasih satu kilo juga bisa diabisin.  Hihihi.  Selain makan, minum coklat panas juga suka.  Apalagi kalau cuaca dingin.  Kebetulan Bandung sering dingin, alias kesempatan minum coklat panas bertambah.  Enaaak.  :D

DUA. Saya nggak suka baca buku atau nonton film terjemahan alias diisi suara.  Sebel aja karena kadang kalau diterjemahin, guyonan jadi nggak sampe ke perut (nggak ngocok perut) karena lain penyampaian dan kosakatanya, yang sedih jadi canggung, adegan nyanyi dipas-pasin sampe aneh. Kadang ‘kan gerak-geriknya pun jadi sedikit nggak sinkron sama dialog.  Ya pokoknya saya lebih suka apa-apa yang otentik dan apa adanya.  Film Jerman, ya pake Bahasa Jerman.  Film Zimbabwe, ya pake bahasa aslinya aja! Biar lebih bener!

Nah, cuma kalau buku ada pengecualian.  Paling-paling yang apa boleh buat mesti baca terjemahan ya buku Jepang atau Cina, karena saya nggak bisa baca kanji! Jepang bisanya cuma hiragana katakana. Kanji hanya tahu ‘Nihon-Go’, ‘Nihon-Jin’, sama ‘Doobutsuen’. Itu pun zaman SMP, sekarang lupa! Mana ada novel Jepang isinya hiragana katakana doang.  -_-  *nangis*

Tapi akibat ketidaksukaan ini, saya akhirnya banyak baca novel Indonesia.  Banyaknya yang kuno-kuno pula.  Sebetulnya, sastrawan-wati Indonesia berbakat dan begitu pintar memadukan kata! Ceritanya juga bagus. Otentik. Apalagi Bahasa Indonesia selalu tercampur aneka dialek daerah dan kata resapan, bikin teks terlihat lebih warna-warni dan seru, nggak garing kayak karya ilmiah.  Berhubung saya orang visual tulen, saya pun lebih mudah menyerap isinya.  Hahaha.

TIGA. Masih inget nggak, kalau tes IQ, kan ada hasil-hasil lain yang mengungkapkan berbagai hal lain tentang kita selain IQ-nya sendiri? Pas SMA ikut tes IQ, saya membaca hasilnya di ruang BP bersama guru BP-nya.  Ada poin-poin tentang kemampuan visual, akal sehat, logika, dan sebagainya.  Saya lumayan kaget karena…dengan jangkauan 1-5, akal sehat (rasio) saya nilainya 3.  Kurang sehat! Udah gitu, guru BP itu menyimpulkan kalau saya ‘bisa’ masuk IPA.  ITU ANEH BANGET.  IPA kan isinya materi penuh akal sehat.  Lah ini, akal sehat cuma 3 poin, mau ngapain? Ngerusak teori gravitasi? Akhirnya saya masuk IPS, karena saya CINTA sama pelajaran-pelajaran IPS.  Karena saya nggak percaya sama perintah ‘kamu bisa masuk IPA, ya masuk IPA dong!’.

Coba permainan ini: berhenti percaya sama istilah 'Anak IPA itu Dewa, anak IPS hedonis', atau apapun namanya. Jurusan ‘kan soal pilihan, jadi ya kita memilih mana yang kita suka (atau minimal lebih suka). Juga jangan ukur dari kemampuan kamu.  Jika suka, semua pasti bisa dikejar!  Kalau satu hal kecil ini terlaksana secara merata, sistem pendidikan dan mental anak-anak Indonesia pasti membaik!

EMPAT. Saya punya abang yang sifatnya berlawanan dari saya.  Dia sangat Sanguinis.  Spontan, meledak-ledak, dan kalau marah juga cepet reda. Pas lagi demen sesuatu, semua orang tau. Dia juga bergaul melulu sampe kalau lagi keluar sama adiknya pun malah telepon-teleponan sama temennya.  Ya saya pun manyun doang.  -_-  Hehe, ini sih curhat.

LIMA. Saya gampang nangis.  Nonton film kartun pun bisa nangis.  Hahahaha! Jadi, jika menonton bersama saya, harap siapkan selembar tisu cadangan, siapa tahu keluar bioskop sesenggukan dan meler, cepet tutupi pakai tisu supaya nggak malu punya temen cengeng begini. 

ENAM. Bulan lalu saya baru beli kaos dari Tosavica, merek Indonesia yang bahannya enaaaaaak banget. Saya sampe beli 2 modelnya sama, cuma warnanya lain.  Nah, ngomongin kaos ini, pasti nyerempet ke toko yang bikin saya jatuh hati: Widely Project! Letaknya di Jalan Riau sekian, Bandung.  Isinya macem-macem, nggak cuma urusan fesyen, ada suvenir-suvenir unik dan produk-produk buku Label Ink! Kebanyakan sih merek Indonesia yang bagus-bagus.  Cotton Ink, Picnic, dan masih banyak.  Silakan dikunjungi.  ^ ^ 

TUJUH.  Ternyata saya pernah dapet The Versatile Blogger dari Stephanie! Ini tulisannya.

Sekarang, kepada siapa saya mau lempar lagi hadiah ini?

Monggo diterima ya, My Lovely Sister, sebagai penulis blog yang cakap dalam berbagai hal termasuk mengelola toko daring yang unyu! (1 dulu deh, belum ada ide)

Dan saya akan mengulas produk-produk di bawah ini, sesegera mungkin!

# 100% Pure Powder Foundation SPF 20

# Bagder Unscented Sunscreen SPF 30

# Natur Pencuci Rambut Alami Ginseng

# The Body Shop Strawberry Body Polish

Tunggu tanggal mainnya! ;)

Ternyata di rumah punya Art Rage 2 dong.

Ah, Ayah, kenapa tak ngobrol dari dulu-dulu?!

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

My favorite video! Great filming, great setting, great actors…

and last but not least, that vintage accordeon… :D~

By the way, let’s stop the war.  World is ours, it’s just silly to keep the conflict burns people and nations! Instead of being selfish and ambitious, why don’t we start making peace anywhere? Smile, be humble, waste those guns away, forget bombs, don’t like any explosion, except LOVE explosion that makes you hug somebody.  :)

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

The Delicate Dugong

I’ve just watched Dugong & Din on Kompas TV right after Merem Melek Tour (bravo Ge Pamungkas!). 

Dugong is an amazing creature! Please don’t let them extinct! :’(

Anyway, please stay away from sea-bombing.  It harms animals inside and corals too! It’s not good for ears too.  So come on, save the sea! :D

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

saya eji dan saya bangga! yeah!

Seafoam Seafoam on The Wall...

As I posted times ago, I bought a facial cleanser that contains no Sodium Laureth Sulfate and 100% made from natural ingredients.  The title is: Lavender Seafoam from 100% Pure.

Here’s the sight of that product, created with my natural skill.  Sorry, my watercolour technic is a little minus. :P

Introduction for you, taken from the id website:

All Natural, 100% Vegetarian, Gluten free

Suitable for acne prone skin, this calming face cleanser is made with nourishing organic seaweeds, softening rosehip oil, green tea, calming lavender and other organic nutrients which gives you a healthy, glowing, radiant complexion.

  • Does not contain harsh detergents, synthetic chemicals, chemical preservatives, artificial fragrances or any other toxins.


Seaweeds (Kelp, Sea Lettuce, Spirulina),Green Tea, French Green Sea Clay, Saponified Coconut Oil, Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate), Vitamin E (a-tocopherol), Sea Buckthorn Oil, Rosehip Oil, Extracts of Pomegranate, Grapefruit Seed and Rosemary, Lavender Essential Oil, Extracts of Cinnamon, Thyme, Goldenseal and Oregano

to see the realistic photo of Lavender Seafoam, please visit this page

So how is it in my life?

I was hooked since it contains no SLS.  SLS is harsh for skin, it even harms your skin! I’ve decided to shoo SLS forever in my facial foams. Buh-bye, SLS!

Instead of SLS, Lavender Seafoam uses saponified coconut oil.  What is that? I asked Mbah Google and no info really match my expectation. :P 

If you’re curious, please go searching yourself and then tell me. LOL.  XD

Anyway, though it’s abnormal about the absence of SLS, it still works greatly! It doesn’t foam, IMO, more like bubbling.  The green colour stays green while usually foaming cleanser turns into white foam.  Then I applied it to my face, massage softly and rinse.  CLEAN FACE IN AN INSTANT! :D

Another clue, it can be used as a mask. Trust me.  I don’t know the benefit, but it feels like using a mask.  It dries up quite quickly.  :D

After a month, there’s no heart-breaking breakouts, and my skin is still healthy and soft.  By the way, these days my face gets cleaner.  I don’t know what happens, but those pimples stays away and dries quickly.  Maybe it’s influenced by products I use nowadays, I’ll talk about it later.  :)

Weirdly, 100% Pure doesn’t write the expired date!