Generally, ladies and gentlemen in Indonesia are afraid of oil. Especially for facial use. And this fear even more spreaded around oily skin owners.
We tend to find for ‘oil-free’ moisturizer, ‘oil-eraser’ cleansers, and all those oil free things around.
But that habit may end up unsatisfyingly, like, achieving drier skin, and so on. You name it, since there are lots of bad effects from shoo-ing your natural face oil!
Dissapointed? Yes. At least, for me.
Once in my life, I made a big failure by using an acne treatment in the toner form. It’s made from tea tree oil actually. (hey, it’s oil anyway!) The bottle promised to treat oily skin, but on my face, it made acnes appeared on cheeks! It dried my skin. Guess it’s not the oil, but the alcohol inside or something else.
Well, little intermezzo, FYI:
Not all oils will make you oily. Some of them can even cause dryness to skin of some specific person.
Then I discussed a lot with
Lynn ( and after a bottle of
Humphrey’s Witch Hazel toner for morning cleanser and the conclusion that I have a combination skin, not oily like I guessed in the past, I changed my skin routine.
And for me, now oils are involved in it. Like, simply. Not just
VCO a.k.a virgin coconut oil, but also
lupin oil and
sweet almond oil (which has yummy scent) that I also got from Lynn. I’m not afraid of oils anymore!
Guess what? This nutty-oil collection of mine is so beneficial! Like you never think before. ;) I’ve written about benefits of VCO months ago, go find it in the archive there -->
Some further story about VCO can be found too.
After longer use of oils on face, I have seen the difference. Now my facial skin is more supple, and these acnes go away quickly after I applied any of my choice of oil there on the night (but
please note, do it consistently and reduce late-night-sleep!). I
don’t experience an- even-more-oily skin tragedy, though. I use oils for my face moisturizer every night. :D
I think I also don’t have to buy too much body lotion now, since oils are nice for your body moisturizer too!
Trust me, you won’t get any greasy feeling. Then can sink in perfectly, except you put overdramatically too much. :))
The only part I haven’t tried with oils is hairy stuff. :)
I’m not a scientific person, so I cant’ explain much details about this.
I just want to share that I’m good with oils. What about you now?
Do you dare treating your skin (especially facial skin) with oils? (
wait, but don’t use essential oil rightly without dilluting it with water (you may Google this, I’m not really good in explaining), or, don’t use that kind of
'kelapa sawit' oil since it's
not orangutan-friendly and you use it for frying thingy too)
You can choose virgin coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, and yeah, find the most suitable one for you and get the simple all-in-one-bottle life! :D
Plus it’s all natural, Baby! X)
n.b. I think I want to move fashionism photos to my daily blog: Pramudita (, so this blog will be around fashion doodle, beauty, toiletries, doodles, green doodles, and, yeah, everything I like, still :))
Thank you for reading! Happy monday! <3