Minggu, 27 September 2015
Farewell to The Long Summer
There was a storm in my hometown. Heavy rain and excessive wind blows. Trees are falling onto the ground and I believe a chaos happened on the road. Thankfully I was home, talking with an elementary school kiddo. She's a friend of mine. Once, she's my neighbour, below. ( I live in 2nd story).
Talking about rain, yes, the rain came after a long...long heat of the sun. Seriously, it's not normally this hot during the day and afternoon. But this year's a hit! I don't know what is the exact cause. My first expectation is surely the global warming phenomenon--duh, it's been forever. Or perhaps it's a storm in the sea. El nino or something.
Or it's just The Sun being bold!?
Whatever. But remember, during the hot weather, always befriend a sunscreen and a lot of summer fruits: mango, pineapple, papaya, etc. Ah, I know Our Creator has created a very detailed system. He makes all those refreshing-sweet fruits grow during summer in tropical country. So generous! :)
Don't leave your tumbler behind, too. Bring it everywhere. You're going to need a lot of water supply, but don't consume too much bottled water since it is definitely a big, big waste on our landfills!
Anyway, after a week, the rain hasn't make a come back. HAHAHA. It just hopped and said 'hello, I'm exist!' and went away again.
Rain, rain, you're quirky!
While it's still summer in rainy season months, wear those light tees or blouses and shirts and circle skirt and shorts or skorts and enjoy living in Indonesia, with The Sun above our head. :)
I don't know how, but cat is definitely a unique creature! Every single one is unique, for sure. But cat seems to have deeper thought and trick. And it's cute.
Anyway, far from the cat topic,
have you ever stay around people you usually meet,
and be still to just feel the vibe?
Try it, it's fun.
Happy Post-Super-Moon Monday!
Minggu, 20 September 2015
I have some obsession with ombré hair, but will never apply it to me. Except I find someone who sell Brite Organix hair colour. Holding my dream, I make an illustration. :))
How's your Monday, people? Have you declutter anything today? If you have nothing to be decluttered again, congratulations and keep going! :D
I'm trying to reach my house members to declutter with me. We've just watched a reality show titled Hoarders. Hahaha. What a nightmare to be a hoarder! I don't want to be trapped in this hoarding generation, so, yeah, let's be wise! Erase your greed and start to have a peaceful mind out of moments and feelings, not stuff.
Only keep stuff you need and you love. Ones that sparks joy--borrowing Marie Kondo's word.
Stay awesome, everyone.
Senin, 14 September 2015
Aktivasi Mantel Biru
Kemarin saya lagi baca daftar baju-baju lama, dan tiba-tiba teringat pada seonggok blazer biru di dalam lemari...entah lemari yang mana. Saya dulu suka banget pakai, meski bentuknya kayak jaket almamater gitu. Bentuk kerahnya unik. Dan kalau tak salah, itu pemberian dari seorang sepupu Mama. Modelnya betul-betul vintage.
Mungkin sudah dua atau tiga tahun lebih saya tidak pernah memakai mantel lucu itu. Karena pancaroba...pancaroba gaya berpakaian maksudnya. Hahaha! Maksudnya si panccaroba ini apa?
Jadi, dulu saya sering padupadan si biru neon ini bersama jins abu-abu, kaus hitam, kaus warna lain, dan sebagainya. Saya suka tahu-tahu beli baju biar cocok sama si blazer, tapi kenyataannya nggak berhasil. Belum lagi pendataan dan organisasi baju saya kacau banget kemarin-kemarin. Belakangan, sejak punya data busana dan Huraya Garage Sale, baru saya bisa benar-benar memikirkan apa yang saya suka pakai dan apa yang saya jarang sentuh juga akhirnya.
Saya kira saya doyan sama rok midi panjang setengah betis, ternyata nggak tahan lama. Balik terus ke rok di atas lutut sedikit. Soalnya kepribadian saya nggak seanggun itu. Dan dipikir-pikir, rok midi susah akrab sama mantel model kimono dan kardigan yang agak panjang dikit, atauuu si blazer biru. :p
Saya pikir saya penggemar kemeja-kemeja lengan panjang vintage, berbahan chiffon dan polyester, ternyata nggak kuat gerah dan balik lagi ke kaus nyaman dan kemeja rayon yang lengannya pendek. Terutama yang modelnya cropped.
Saya duga saya bakal betah pakai sweter berjam-jam. Rupanya nggak terlalu. Kecuali saya tinggalnya di Eslandia atau Finlandia, gitu. Saya suka baju ringan di hari-hari biasa. Kalau dingin, hujan, pergi malam, barulah saya mencari sweter.
Kesimpulannya, saya nggak butuh terlalu banyak varian baju tertentu. Bahkan celana jins aja akhirnya terlantar! Soalnya saya memang pecinta rok sejati. Dari kecil main rok melulu sih...
OKE. Selanjutnya tentang si blazer. Sekarang, setelah menemukannya, saya jadi punya banyak ide padu padan bersamanya. Seperti yang tergambarkan di atas itu. Hidup bersama lagi. Rasanya kayak nemu kawan baru yang seru (dan yang jelas, biru). <3
Terima kasih untuk keberadaanmu, wahai Mantel Biru Seru! Kita main bareng lagi ya. :)
Minggu, 13 September 2015
Concert is Getting Nearer!
And I would like to say thank you to these items in the past. The Schwing Eyeliner of The Balm, I've sold it. That TBS Nature's Minerals foundation has been used up 'til the last sprinkle (horray!). So thank you, thank you, lovelies, for you have been there with me through ups and downs. :)
I still have the Honey Shea Butter and use it as a clear mascara, anyway.
It's a photoshoot from my last year's orchestra preconcert. Now I'm preparing for another concert! With no eyeliner and mascara! Yiiha! Bye, creepy noir-eye-make-up-cleansing at night in sleepy condition!
Back then in 2013,
when I had too much cosmetic pile,
but don't worry,
some of the items in picture was my best friend's belongings.
So we had our effort a lil' bit too late.
Reached the age 22 and suddenly got interested with make up!
On the other hand, right after that,
I turned back and tried to fix the trouble I created:
I waste my money to products I don't use religiously (or, at all).
My space was reduced.
A not-so-clear-mind because of the fulfilled open / closed storages around the house.
I said I love Earth but I shop excessively, and it's not really an earth-loving act.
So, hey. There I was last month.
Sharing some filllings of my lip butter,
giving things I bought with impulsivity to others who may need it better,
and stop buying toiletries,
except some palm-oil-free bar soap.
Though it's rare.
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