Introducing my new baby: Helianthus Giganteus.
After 5 days underground, her first sprout appeared! <3
It’s a sunny Sunday, so I wear a yellow cream pleats shirt from Happy Go Lucky! :D Paired it with a black pants, shoulder brownie bag I bought from a friend, and La Spina batik oxford!
I also found the banana milk I’ve been searching for months! It was never available in any store! Thankfully I got this at Borma Setiabudhi! :9
credits to: Rachel, my friend who took the photo :)
Preparing for new 2013 style’s theme: PRASCAYA! It means ‘believe’. :)
Because I believe good things will come.
I believe that life is easy.
I believe that what I wear is what I am.
I believe in people around me.
I believe I’ll buy some more clothes along this year, too! LOL. :))
Now let’s see what I’ll do with everything I have:
being girly, a little, with my edgy face :D
Yellow top for a cheerful year! Got that in Happy-Go-Lucky house. :D
And I bought that green legging here from Pretty Young Things. :D
But I made mistake about the real colour of it. It’s actually appear like…more retro-ish *don’t know how to describe it!
*thanks, Papa, for taking the picture! :3 Hey, I think I rarely put my photo here, right? :))
By the way, now I have a cousin at home now. The girl cousin! And she’s great at cooking…especially cakes, cookies, chocolate, even omelette, oh, yes, I eat a lot of her works! But thankfully she’s a half-vegetarian too. So we’re not eating beef! *and gotta continue to not eating chicken later :D
And, another ‘by the way’, go see this page for fashion inspiration! It’s so naturally inspiring! :D
As usual, I made a silly title for a post. :p
Hello, yellow, people! :) It’s been a while since I reviewed some skin care products. This one product I’ll review here has actually been in my box since last year. Call it: Green Choice Masker Tomat. It’s only IDR 7000!
It consists of Solanum lycopersicum(I believe it’s tomato), Murraya paniculata (kemuning flower?), and Amylum oryzae (rice powder).
Produced by Taman Syifafor Green Choice. :) Yoohoo, it’s another Indonesian product!
There’s a folded small paper inside the pocket, along with that powder mask in 2 x 6 grams small plastics, and that paper said:
Manfaat masker:
TOMAT-Menghilangkan noda hitam, membantu memperkecil pori-pori, mengangkat komedo, mencegah timbulnya jerawat.
(reduce dark spots, tighten pores, wipe away whiteheads/blackheads, anti-acne)
By the way, yes, it’s broken white coloured and powdery, you have to mix this with rose water or cold water or…some thick toner! I make dough with my Nutriganics toner of The Body Shop, because it’s thick. And it’s a nice try. :3
How about the effect? Quite good. Guess it works properly. :)
So far, I like this mask, and I wish the ingredients list written is truly just that much! :D
Kalau menurut sih, ya begini ini. :D
Tipe Idealis Pemimpi sangat berhati-hati dan oleh karenanya tampak pemalu dan pendiam bagi orang lain. Mereka berbagi kehidupan emosional mereka yang kaya serta pendapat-pendapat kuat mereka dengan sedikit sekali orang. Namun orang sering keliru menilai mereka dingin dan pendiam. Mereka memiliki sistem nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip yang murni dan mulia yang menonjol di dalam diri mereka yang demi hal-hal itu mereka bersedia mengorbankan banyak hal. Joan of Arc atau Sir Galahad adalah contoh tipe kepribadian ini. Tipe Idealis Pemimpi selalu berusaha keras memperbaiki dunia. Mereka dapat sangat memikirkan orang lain dan melakukan banyak hal untuk mendukung mereka dan membela mereka. Mereka tertarik dengan sesama mereka, penuh perhatian dan murah hati terhadap mereka. Begitu antusiasme mereka akan suatu hal atau orang bangkit, mereka dapat menjadi pejuang yang tak kenal lelah.
Bagi tipe Idealis Pemimpi, hal-hal praktis tidak benar-benar penting. Mereka hanya menyibukkan diri dengan tuntutan-tuntutan harian yang duniawi saat benar-benar perlu. Mereka cenderung hidup sesuai dengan semboyan „yang jenius mengendalikan kekacauan“ – yang biasanya memang demikian sehingga biasanya mereka memiliki karir akademik yang gemilang. Mereka kurang tertarik dengan detail; mereka lebih suka melihat sesuatu secara keseluruhan. Ini artinya mereka masih memiliki pandangan menyeluruh yang baik ketika sesuatu mulai menjadi rumit. Namun demikian, sebagai akibatnya, sesekali dapat terjadi tipe Idealis Pemimpi melewatkan sesuatu yang penting. Karena mereka menyukai kedamaian, mereka cenderung tidak terang-terangan menunjukkan ketidakpuasan atau kejengkelan mereka melainkan memendamnya. Ketegasan bukan salah satu kekuatan mereka; mereka membenci konflik dan persaingan. Tipe Idealis Pemimpi lebih suka memotivasi orang lain dengan sifat ramah dan antusias mereka. Barangsiapa mendapatkan mereka sebagai atasan tidak akan pernah mengeluh kekurangan pujian.
Di tempat kerja, tipe Idealis Pemimpi adalah teman dan pasangan yang suka menolong dan setia, orang-orang yang memiliki integritas. Kewajiban sangat sakral bagi mereka. Perasaan orang lain penting bagi mereka dan mereka senang membuat orang lain bahagia. Mereka puas hanya dengan lingkaran kecil pertemanan; kebutuhan mereka akan kontak sosial tidak begitu menonjol karena mereka juga butuh banyak waktu untuk diri sendiri. Basa-basi kecil bukan keahlian mereka. Jika seseorang berharap berteman dengan mereka atau memiliki hubungan dengan mereka, orang itu harus mau berbagi dunia pemikiran mereka dan bersedia berpartisipasi dalam perbincangan mendalam. Jika Anda berhasil melakukan itu Anda akan dianugerahi dengan kemitraan yang luar biasa intensif dan kaya. Karena tuntutan-tuntutan mereka yang tinggi terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain, tipe kepribadian ini kadang-kadang menjejali hubungan dengan gagasan-gagasan romantis dan idealis hingga tingkat tertentu sehingga membuat pasangan merasa terbebani atau minder. Tipe Idealis Pemimpi tidak jatuh cinta dengan mabuk kepayang namun ketika mereka jatuh cinta mereka menginginkannya menjadi cinta sejati yang tak berkesudahan.
Got a new multifunction scent! :D
IDR 78.000 from Etude House. :D
Really love this! <3 The scent is less boring! :D Mwah! :*
We shouldn’t classified humanbeings by their difference. Not vertically, I mean. :)
We are all humanbeings and we are all the same: HUMANBEINGS! It doesn’t matter if we’re black or white or yellow or even green, blonde or brown, bruneor pink. BIG HUGS, everyone! :)
But, different thing with garbage. Please treat every single of them…carefully. Classify them. Each of them. With love. By thinking about their future. And Mother Earth.
Klasifikasikan sampahmu sekarang! :D Hapus malasmu, buang gengsimu, jauhkan diri dari menunda!
*motivated by Lynn’s post here <3
On Thursday I got fever + flu. So I didn’t go anywhere.
At Friday, I challenge myself to go with a little headache and nose-problem, in a windy weather…
shirt: Flashy
vest: given by my auntie
pants: bought in BTC
shoes: ibidem
bag : idem
…and all I got is the higher body temperature!
Yes, fever. It came to me again. And even worse than Thursday’s version :(
So it’s me on Saturday, not going anywhere except the coming evening, me and my family will have a dinner because it’s my Mama & Papa’s anniversary! :)
I had a good Saturday Night right before I turned 21 the day after.
It was really exciting that I couldn’t sleep well.
Rain poured down on me but I’m heavenly happy. <3
Then I celebrated my 21th birthday. Yay! :D
I spent the morning at home, then I went to church for orchestra rehearsal.
By the way, after the rehearsal, I got a surprise! It’s my very first birthday surprise. But the best part of it, I received two precious bunny babies! Alive and cute! Male and female! :’D Thank you, friends!
I name those bunnies Rama and Wimaya. They are superbly sweet and lovely!
Then it’s Christmas already.
My orchestra played in Christmas ceremony at 10.00 AM, and I became the conductor for one song: ‘Di Betlehem Tlah Lahir’, since I arranged the song myself. Other 3 friends did the same with me. :)
Some euphoria strikes everywhere on Christmas! Lol. :D
But then here’s the gloomy part.
I had a trip to Jogjakarta. Has been planned for a long time.
Papa, Mama, my brother, and my cousin, went to Lampung.
I left Rama and Wimaya alone at home. I felt guilty. I dreamed of Rama and Wimaya in the train, I was worrying them, because the last time I played with Rama, he didn’t look so healthy.
The morning when we (me + friends) arrived in Jogjakarta, Papa told me that Rama died. :’((
I kept my tears for myself. I just don’t like to cry in front of people.
Three days after Rama’s last day, Wimaya joined him. So now my bunnies are in Nirwana, Heaven, somewhere outreached. :’(((
I pray for them always. They lived in my house only for less than a week, but their existence will never go away in my heart. :’(
Thank you for being there for me, Dear Rama-Ya. *hugs*
(meanwhile, I’m writing this at the moment and suddenly feel sooo sad! :’( So sorry if I treated you wrong, my bunnies…)
Alright, but I believe Rama and Wimaya don’t want to let me down. So, however, I enjoyed a week in Jogjakarta. Prayed for them at temples I visited, at the church, everywhere…
Sun, sand, sea, temples, epicness, train, good foods, animals, recorders, music, bus, absurdity, fun, and the most important part: FRIENDS! :)
Hey, I met my best-friend Inez too there. :D
So that’s my story between (the end of) 2012-(the intro of) 2013
What’s your story? :D