I only want a pair of eyes, looking at mine with a smile to complete the look.
All I want is the one who’ll try to dry my tears with some jokes.
But I’ll be patient anyway, I believe he will come someday.
And maybe come surprisingly!
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Happy Package!

Yesterday a package arrived at home. It’s from 100% Pure Indonesia, based in Jakarta.
And it’s very sweet! XD
*click the image for larger details*
I emailed Ms. S, the one I always contact for my 100% Pure transaction. I complimented this awesome salutation, and she said:
They come from un-used fabrics from a textile factory.
Just like me, 100% Pure Indonesia loves to reuse stuffs too. :) I’m so glad! It’s absolutely something! *errr, sounds like Mbak Syahrini?
Senin, 21 Mei 2012
That Africana Treasure
Shea butter.
Sounds famous? Yes! :D
Shea butter comes from Africa, derived from shea nuts. It has many benefits, such as skin protector, moisturizer, healer, and the list will be too long! I believe you can Google it yourself. :)
Anyway, I bought an 8 ml tin of L’Occitane’s Pure Shea Butter. Yes, it’s one hundred percent shea butter. No added fragrance or preservative. If you check the ingredients, there’s only one name mentioned there: shea butter. Dot.
The price in L’Occitane store was IDR 100.000.
Sadly, just a day before, the price was still IDR 95.000! I was told that L’Occitane just gained their prices. :’(
By the way, I know this product from Naomi-san's review of shea butter. It healed her scar! Oh man. Cool! I have a scar too and I'm curious whether the shea butter can heal it or not.
The texture of the butter feels like ‘balsem’. Balm in English. Balsem in Indonesia. Very thick, milky-white-transparent, and when applied to skin, you can feel its thickness. But not greasy. I even tried it on my nose once, and it’s okay! It’s fatty and oily, but it didn’t cause any trouble.
I usually use it as a lip balm (and feel good + guilt-free), as a moisturizer for super-dry parts on my face (it works!), and I applied a little on my scar. How’s the effect at scar? The scar’s itchiness has gone! But I haven’t notice a fading or something. Maybe it needs more time to go. I’ve been using Shea Butter for 2 months. :)
It smells like something digestable, able to be eaten.
So far, I love this a lot! <3
(21) I Am A Bear Today
Talking about environments, why don’t you be emphatic?
Feel the uncomfortable feeling of a seagull when he/she swallows a plastic bag left in seashore by accident.
Imagine you’re a squirell, being chased because a hunter wants
to make some cosmetic brushes from your fur…
Be a bird today and be confused because all those trees you love have gone, substituted by high-tech buildings…and you always near to hit glass windows…
Wear some animal-hat (from faux fur, of course!) and think about them, before they get harmed more! :)
*please use the illustration with permission! ;)
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012
Singahaul! :D

Finally! The haul post!
For closer look, just click on the picture.
I bought some small stuffs in Singapore. Here’s the list:
100% Pure Powder Foundation
It’s the first purchase. I found it in Bud Cosmetics, located inside Mandarin Gallery, Orchard Road. The shop assistant is very nice! He’s a young man with glasses, and he helped me choose the shade. I finally took the number 4, Golden Peach. I tried it at apartment, and yeah, it blends well on my skin! I didn’t realize I’m that dark…LOL. Review later! :D By the way, it’s a little pricey. :P SGD 53! But I love it, so, whatever!
Frog Castanyet
I simply bought it because it’s cute. I can use it for teaching beats and rhythym to my cute students. :))
I always been interested with macarons. When it’s in front of my eyes, and the colour combination is oh so sweet, I took 10 pieces. :9 Very yummy!
Tombo Colour Pens Dual-Ended
I don’t know why almost all my stationeries are dual-ended! I love dual-endeds.
Jelly Beans & Hello Kitty Strawberry Cream Candies
Candies! I love candies! XD
L’Occitane Cherry Blossom Solid Perfume
I was at Changi Airport and sniffed at that product. I was hooked! It’s also cheaper than downtown’s price.
You know what? Finally my Papa bought a scanner! Oh God, I feel like the whole world is in my hand! :D
Rabu, 09 Mei 2012
To Make Questions and Answer Them
Just a little chit-chat before I get back to Adobe InDesign CS5 again. :P
Hey, why I choose to draw the product instead of taking photos?
I usually get mad about taking photos. It’s not simple. You should think about lights, zooming, and my memory card recently in trouble, very slow in loading process. Anyway, from the first time I hardly wanted a product, I always make a doodle. When I was 11, I crazily in love with cellular phone. All my friends have cellular phone! I made picture of the handphone I was asking for to my Dad. It was Sony Ericsson T100, the thin white-and-blue! I made a BIG one, a small one, I sketched myself bringing that handphone, oh, I was obsessed.
I don’t know how, but it became a habit. Everytime I have wish, I draw it first. LOL. X) It’s very tempting to draw a product I love. Just like you see a picture of things you like, but you make it yourself so it’s so personal and original. I believe, the more I draw it, the more it get closer to your life (so melodramatic). Now, while I’m addicted to beauty weapons, I illustrate those stuffs a lot! If you see my personal diary, yes, it’s full of cosmetic doodles. When I was saving money for my L’Occitane Cleanser, my diary is full of the product’s illustration until I finally bought that successfully! Well, I’m 20, but still being childish in this case. :P
Why I use Kawi language in this blog?
Yes, even the title is in Kawi. I love classic languages. It’s authentic, and anyway, it’s from Indonesia. I just want to show how proud I am as an Indonesian. It sounds so elegant too.
But I write this blog in English, generally.
I want to gain some international readers. ^u^ But some posts are in Bahasa Indonesia. In other hand, I want to improve my English skill too. You too, no?
Okay, random question. What am I listening? I smile and move my head left-to-right in front of the monitor!
Yeah, Zooey Deschanel is singing Sugar Town. Very sweet!
Lipstick or lipgloss?
The stick one is sometimes too heavy on my lips. I feel mature when I wear lipstick. And lipgloss, it always looks fresh and young and cute—the packaging. But I just can’t stand the gloss itself. When using lipgloss, I look like I’ve just eaten too much fried bananas. I prefer matte tinted lip balm, maybe. :P
Keane or We Are Serenades?
BOTH! Oh, somebody, Supir Angkot, please bring me to the nearest music store to buy Strangeland and Criminal Heaven! D’:
What’s on TV do I like these days?
Shaun The Sheep, Timmy Time, and stand up comedies. I love stand up comedy! Oh, my GOD. It’s heavenly funny. I love words jokes. :)
Okay, finish. Good luck forever! Hope my lovelife will be blessed. :3

Fellas I brought to Singapore! :D Yes, simple make up sometimes needed to make my face fresher through the travelling day!
Here’s the complete list + explanation:
TBS Nature’s Minerals Foundation Brush-the only cosmetic brush of my own. LOL.
TBS Nature’s Minerals Eye Colour-green eye shadow with golden shimmer something to make my eyes more sparkling.
TBS Nature’s Minerals Foundation-my favourite foundation…since this is my first foundation! LOL. Look, I’m such an amateur. :P
TBS Define & Lengthen Mascara-…premiere mascara of mine. What can I say? It’s good because I can’t compare it with another product. :))
Evian Facial Spray-reviewed here. I found it very useful while I was out there. I used it as a moisturizer also. Hehe.
100% Pure Lip & Cheek Tint-a little sample from Lynn (hey, thanks again, Lynn! ^u^). The shade she gave me is Pink Grapefruit. If I apply too much, it will spread a bright colour that is unmatched with my skin tone (I’m so yellow!), so I use a swipe for a sheer pink. Actually this one’s good. The texture is easy to be blended, fruity retro scent, and yes, multifunctional! When used as a lip tint, the result is matte and fresh. On cheeks, it’s glowy but not blotchy. Love! But if I purchase the full tube, I’d like to choose Peach one. :)
L’Occitane Pure Shea Butter-this is one hundred percent shea butter. My first impression was the cute tin packaging, and actually it has moisturizing benefits, for lips, hair-ends, even your face! Review will come later! ;)
The Pouch Itself is from Artistry. You know that line? It’s from Amway. My brother was an Amway member, he suggested everyone to buy Amway's products! From supplemens to detergent (but their SA8 detergent is biodegradable and smells so good, I like that one. :P), yogurt machine, soaps, cooking tools, and blablabla again! LOL. Now he has stopped with Amway and being focus at his real job; design and art and oh, body combat. LOL.
Below those things, I drawed my ‘costume’. But that’s only three, the most favourite mix-match. I was in Singapore for 5 days, actually. :))
That’s all for today’s illustrated post! :D
Bravo Dhoby Ghaut! XD
*Reblogs allowed. Likes allowed. Comments allowed. Don’t be bored with the word ‘allowed’. Using my illustration illegally is NOT allowed.
Thanks Papa for helping me scan the picture. (S:-3>)
***btw, to see larger picture, just click on the pic. Okay? :) ***
Selasa, 08 Mei 2012
Crossing Roads in Singapore
This is one of the best thing I saw in Singapore.
Traffic lights work best, zebra crosses are functional, and we can cross the road safely!
Btw, yes, it’s me on the right, my brother in the middle, and on his left is my Mama. :D Papa was behind us, he took the photo. :)
Minggu, 06 Mei 2012
Hello Good Bye Merlion!
Bonjour, Ladies!
My plane has just arrived at 13.59 today, it brought me back from Singapore, the futuristic dreamy amazing nation I lived in for 5 days with my family. It had a gorgeous flight. A bad weather caused a shaky feeling and magical freeze in my stomach, a heavenly nice cloud garden amazed me, and yes, Bandung, or should I call, Indonesia, has made me fall in love again!
I finished 5 days of MRT stories, tidy queues, rapid-walking people and because I’m a slow person I got hit by humans everywhere in mall, station, and roads.
5 days of sleeping in Chinatown’s apartment, facing different habits and ate quirky rice.
5 days being a walker, crossing road without doubt.
IKEA, Sephora, BIGGER Daiso, Monoyono, Uniqlo, Bud Cosmetics, Marina Bay Sands, Clarke Quay, Dhoby Ghaut, Basheer, Art-Friend, Sing-Lish, Popular, bus, Merlion, ting-tong, “Doors are Closing”, “Next Station”, always Stand Clear On The Side at escalators.
A lot of things to be told later, but I’m too sleepy to write again.
Stay tune for Singapore Tale! :)